Meet Shoestring Triptographer and Social and Digital Strategist Clare Healy

If she’s not out trail running, backpacking, or climbing, she’s out chasing another adventure as a weekend warrior and will most likely have her camera (or a taco) in-hand. Meet Clare, a Shoestring Adventures Triptographer and social and digital strategist! She has a degree in Social Media Communications and a passion for capturing people’s emotions as they engage in new experiences outdoors.

I think photos that capture the emotion behind those experiences can be held onto forever, and they will forever bring back that moment in time.

Clare is a true adventure lover and we are excited that she has joined the Shoestring family as a Triptographer! Learn more about Clare in the interview below and check out her photos here.

Shoestring Warrior: Clare Healy


Westchester (Los Angeles), CA

Current Location: 

Venice, CA


Social and Digital Strategist

What are your passions outside of work?

Saying yes to everything, climbing, trail running, backpacking, and finding a good local dive bar. Meeting new friends, adventuring with old, and taking pictures are always a part of each of these things as well. And tacos.

How would you describe your level of camping experience?

After a few solo trips and realizing I can be entirely self-sufficient regardless of where I am, I’d say advanced as of these days. But there’s always room for more!

Shoestring Adventures Completed:

Palisades Glacier Backpacking Adventure (which was AWESOME!)

Tell us about yourself!

After spending 4 undergraduate years convincing my parents that my education wasn’t just teaching me to professionally send Snapchat selfies and post to Instagram, I took my degree in Social Media Communications and love for all things digital to a few advertising agencies from San Francisco, CA to Chattanooga, TN, and most recently, to an ad tech company back home in Venice, CA. I am a writer and content strategist by day, but that’s just the half of it. I spend every other waking hour scheming the next backpacking trip, running in preparation for my first (!) trail race, climbing walls, drinking good (and not so good) beer, and looking for a good read. The weekend warrior lifestyle has been in full force for a few years now and I love every second of it – especially when it involves throwing shakas and stopping for some tacos along the way.

When did you first discover your love for photography?

There are moments that stick out in my mind that have lit (and relit) my fire in terms of photography: A full moon rising over Eureka Dunes, the Milky Way over Glacier Point in the winter, clouds sprinting overhead while hiking in the Tetons. But it’s those moments where I made conscious decisions to enhance my photography that remind me of my love for it.

First, when I “stole” my dad’s Canon Rebel at age 14, simply because I knew I needed a digital camera if I wanted to learn quickly.

Then again when I decided $27 in my bank account was going to have to be okay for a little while after pulling the trigger on my own “real” camera. Then again when deciding to take on a few too many freelance jobs while working full-time, just so I could acquire lenses. Not that photography is all about the gear (trust me, my gear is minimal), but strategically investing in a hobby over a long period of time can be satisfying in many ways.

People, animals, landscapes, inanimate objects, which do you prefer to shoot and why?

People and landscapes, and people in landscapes, are what I shoot 99% of the time (my dog and awkward selfies make up the other 1%). I particularly like to shoot people trying something new outdoors. I think photos that capture the emotion behind those experiences can be held onto forever, and they will forever bring back that moment in time.

Which photographers or artists inspire you the most?

There are so many photographers out there, especially when it comes to the outdoor space. The ones I am truly inspired by are the ones who aren’t just doing it for the shot (not that there is anything wrong with that), but the ones who are getting outside and getting dirty because that’s what they love, and they happen to snap epic photos along the way. Kylie Fly is the epitome of this, so she always provides a breath of fresh air when I’m not feeling motivated. Krystle Wright is the definition of epic and her shots make me want to get outside and push limits. Honestly, anyone who is wholeheartedly committed to their craft and to spreading good vibes has such a positive impact on me.

Where was your most favorite photo assignment and why did you enjoy it so much?

The Palisades Glacier Shoestring Adventure was truly a dream – the Eastern Sierras, turquoise blue waters, luscious forests, and a crew that was up for anything. I’ve also worked with Outessa, an all women’s outdoor summit, and Camelbak’s Pursuit Series, a co-ed summit, both in the mountains outside Salt Lake City. With both of these events, attendees had the chance to take up any outdoor activity – hiking, climbing, mountain biking, SUPing, I could go on – under the guidance of professionals and with some of the best gear.

Capturing these moments of sheer excitement and watching people fall in love with the outdoors was pure joy for me.

What advice do you have for aspiring outdoor photographers?

I mentioned it before, but I think the #1 thing is that gear doesn’t matter.

Spending thousands of dollars on cameras and lenses will only take you as far as your vision or your motivation.

Instead, invest your time. Wake up before the sun, stay up late, travel farther than the next person for a good hike, do your research, try new activities, put yourself in new situations, and shoot photos with whatever you have, you can borrow, or you can rent. Your photos and your vision will grow, you’ll gain confidence, then you can worry about the gear.

Now that you’ve been on a Shoestring Adventure as a Triptographer, can you tell us your favorite memory?

I think the most memorable part was every Shoestring Warrior’s attitude. It was a rainy weekend, a tough hike, and a trail with questionable conditions at the end. Regardless, everyone was stoked from trailhead to trailhead, was open to winging it, made the best of the rain, and still had the most epic weekend ever. Everything about it made me want to get in on another.

Where’s your next adventure?

Heading up to Big Sur next weekend, then Portland and the Mt. Hood area after that. Although both places I have frequented, they are two of my favorite destinations.

The perfect s’more? (if you don’t like s’mores, what’s your favorite campfire dessert?)

Does anyone dislike s’mores?? (Please don’t answer that) It’s a close tie between 1. A traditional s’more with peanut butter piled on the inside with the chocolate and 2. A s’more with a Reese’s instead of chocolate. Can you tell I like peanut butter?

Photos © 2017 Clare Healy

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