Shoestring Warrior Photo Showcase

On June 3, 2015, Shoestring Adventures presented our first Weekend Warrior Photo Showcase at a secret location in Downtown Los Angeles. The gallery featured the winners of our #SHOESTRINGWARRIOR Instagram contest, bringing together over 150 of our digital friends in real life!

Winners were selected by photographer Cameron Gardner and myself. Prints were hand-cut and donated by our favorite local print shop Art Printer.


Thanks to your generous support, we gifted $600 in print sales to the SAMO Fund, providing field trips for inner-city kids to the Santa Monica Mountains. We were honored to meet executive director Art Eck, who captivated us all with stories of inspirational park stewards.

Special Guest Art Eck, SAMO Fund (right)

Throughout the evening, we toasted to new friends with Outdoor Vino, compliments of Naked Winery from Hood River, Oregon. We stashed a few bottles away to enjoy on our next camping trip. The BPA-free plastic wine bottles float in the river and come in adventurous varieties, like Wanderlust White and Rambling Red!



From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for sharing your passion for the outdoors with us! We are humbled to watch what started as a blog transform into an incredible community of weekend warriors. We hope to see you on the trail soon!

Event photography by Marcela Angeles of The Lost Vagabond

Special thanks to Art Printer and Naked Winery for making this event possible and to Ellice Ruiz for late night support with the gallery installation!

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6 replies on “Shoestring Warrior Photo Showcase”
  1. says: Jeff Hester

    Thanks for the event! It was an honor to have one of my photos in the show, and the event was a lot of fun. Great connecting with other Shoestring Adventurers!

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